Japanese Sea Lions

The Best Spots to Observe Japanese Sea Lions

Japan, with its varied geography and waters rich in marine life, offers many exceptional places to observe sea lions. These graceful and curious creatures can be seen in many coastal regions of the country. Here’s a detailed guide to the best spots to see Japanese sea lions.

1. Shiretoko, Hokkaido

Location: Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido

Shiretoko, located on the northeastern tip of Hokkaido Island, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Shiretoko Peninsula is one of the best places to see Japanese sea lions. Notably Steller sea lions (or Steller sea lions). These sea lions often migrate into the cold waters of Shiretoko, where they find an abundance of fish to feed on.

Best time to visit: The months of May to September, when the waters are warmer and sea lions are more active near the coast.

Recommended activities: Boat trips to observe sea lions and other marine species, hiking in Shiretoko National Park, and visiting Kamuiwakka Waterfalls.

2. Kushiro, Hokkaido

Location: East coast of Hokkaido

Kushiro City and its surrounding areas, particularly Kushiro Shitsugen National Park, are known for their rich biodiversity. Sea lions can be seen along the coast, often in the company of seals and other marine mammals.

Best time to visit: Spring and summer, when weather conditions are most favorable for sea excursions.

Recommended activities: Boat trips in Kushiro Bay, guided tours of the Kushiro Shitsugen marshes, and exploration of the local flora and fauna.

3. Akkeshi, Hokkaido

Location: Southeast coast of Hokkaido

Akkeshi is a small coastal town famous for its marine wildlife sanctuary. Sea lions can often be seen basking on rocks along the coast or swimming in local waters.

Best time to visit: June to September, when sea lions are most visible.

Recommended activities: Visits to Akkeshi Shrine, boat rides, and tasting local seafood, including Akkeshi oysters.

4. Ogasawara Islands (Bonin Islands)

Location: About 1000 km south of Tokyo

The Ogasawara Islands, also known as the Bonin Islands, are a group of subtropical islands with rich marine biodiversity. Although less common than in the colder waters of Hokkaido, sea lions can be seen around these islands. Notably California sea lions, which sometimes migrate to these warmer waters.

Best time to visit: All year round, although the period from November to February is ideal to avoid typhoons and enjoy calmer seas.

Recommended activities: Scuba diving and snorkeling to observe marine life. Boat trips to observe sea lions and dolphins. And island hikes to explore the unique terrestrial wildlife.

5. Kurile Islands

Location: Island chain northeast of Hokkaido

The Kuril Islands, although technically part of Russia, are geographically close to Hokkaido. And they are often included in tourist circuits from Japan. These islands offer exceptional opportunities to observe Steller sea lions in their natural habitat.

Best time to visit: From June to September, when climatic conditions are most favorable.

Recommended activities: Wildlife cruises, nature photography, and exploring the volcanoes and hot springs of the Kuril Islands.

Tips for Observing Sea Lions

  • Respect for wildlife: Maintain a respectful distance from Japanese sea lions. And do not try to touch or feed them.
  • Equipment: Bring binoculars and a good quality zoom camera for detailed observations and shots.
  • Safety: Wear clothing appropriate for local weather conditions. And follow the instructions of local guides during sea excursions.


Japan offers a variety of spectacular sites for viewing sea lions in their natural habitat. From Hokkaido to the Ogasawara Islands, each destination offers a unique experience for marine wildlife enthusiasts. By planning your visit during migration periods and choosing the best spots, you will have the opportunity to see these magnificent creatures up close. But you’ll also enjoy Japan’s picturesque coastal landscapes.

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