Kumano Shrines

Kumano Shrines: Mystical Beauties of the Mountains

Kumano-jinja, or Kumano Shrines, are spiritual treasures nestled in the sacred mountains of Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. These shrines are among the most sacred places of pilgrimage in the country. They offer a unique spiritual experience in a breathtaking natural setting.

A Journey to the Heart of the Sacred Mountains

The Kumano shrines are located along the ancient pilgrimage routes of Kumano Kodo. It is a network of trails classified as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. These ancestral paths cross green mountains, lush forests and isolated valleys. This creates an atmosphere conducive to meditation and contemplation. Pilgrims and visitors have walked these paths for over a thousand years. They follow in the footsteps of generations of faithful in search of spirituality and comfort.

Sanctuaries and Deities

Each Kumano shrine is dedicated to Shinto and Buddhist deities. They are associated with nature, fertility and protection. These sanctuaries are places where visitors come to seek inner peace, healing and a deep connection with nature. The traditional ceremonies and rituals that take place regularly at these shrines add to the sacred and mystical atmosphere.

Kumano Hongu Taisha

Kumano Hongu Taisha is one of the three major shrines in Kumano, known as “Kumano Sanzan”. Located near the Otonashi-gawa River, this shrine is famous for its large, bright red torii. This traditional gate is an iconic symbol of the Kumano region. The shrine is an important pilgrimage site where visitors come to pray for protection, purification and the fulfillment of their wishes.

Kumano Nachi Taisha

The Kumano Nachi Taisha is another major shrine. It is located at the foot of the Nachi-no-taki waterfall. It is one of the highest waterfalls in Japan with a drop of 133 meters. The spectacular view of the waterfall added to the serenity of the sanctuary creates an unforgettable pilgrimage experience. The shrine is dedicated to the waterfall deity. And pilgrims come to seek the blessing of the sacred waters.

The Spirituality of the Kumano-jinja

Kumano-jinja are much more than tourist sites; they are places of deep spirituality and devotion. The Kumano region is called “the Land of the Gods” because of its rich history and religious importance. Pilgrims and visitors find themselves enveloped in a mystical atmosphere. Every step on the ancient paths and every prayer at the shrine is an immersion in traditional Japanese spirituality.

The ceremonies and festivals held at these shrines throughout the year attract thousands of devotees. From purification rituals to sacred dances, each event is an opportunity for participants to reconnect with the deities and surrounding nature.


Kumano-jinja represent a unique fusion of natural beauty and spirituality. By walking the ancient paths of Kumano Kodo and visiting these sacred shrines, visitors can have an unforgettable experience. Contemplation, prayer and exploration are the key words of these pilgrimages. The Kumano shrines are a living testament to Japan’s rich spiritual tradition. They offer all who visit them a valuable insight into the human quest for inner peace. But also for the connection with the divine.

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